Every rain drop counts

Manage rainwater efficiently, protect yourself from extreme weather and save money.

With our solutions, you can do it simply, effectively and in harmony with nature.

Creation and Restoration of Water Resources

We will prepare a detailed plan for the use of rainwater, and the reduction of extreme runoff, we will propose measures to maintain water in the country, so that water resources, their abundance and quality are renewed

Floods and Drought Prevention

We will develop for you a set of measures to reduce the risk of floods, mitigate the flood waves and damage, or solutions to use precipitation to increase humidity and eliminate dry areas from a long-term perspective

Urban Cooling

We will propose strategic solutions for the use of rainwater that will reduce the temperature in urbanized zones, improve the blue-green infrastructure, and reduce the costs of air conditioning the territory

Restoration of Damaged Landscape

We will find out the causes and extent of the damage and propose an action plan of measures for the revitalization of the landscape. We can revitalize areas in cities and large agglomerations, agricultural land, wine regions, and forests

Biodiversity Support

We will recommend solutions that support the diversity of life and the sustainability of ecosystems. They will eliminate negative impacts and allow the return of native species, increase the soil’s retention capacity, and restore the life cycle of the landscape

Soil Improvement

We will advise you on how to improve the quality of the soil and increase the fertility of fields, vineyards, or yields from timber harvesting. In addition to the plan of measures, you will also receive a calculation of their effectiveness, including economic return

Why choose us?


Our Solutions Really Work

We can restore damaged territory, influence the local climate and thus improve the country for the better.


Holistic approach

We prefer natural solutions. We solve problems complexly with a long-term sustainability in focus.


Representation in the USA and Slovakia

30 years of international experience and time-tested projects.

Do you need to deal with floods, drought, damaged land, or heat domes?

Send us a message and we’ll get back to you.

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News and Blog

Water Rotor

Water Rotor

©WATERROTOR is a technological system of permanent regeneration of everything. Life, safety, prosperity, which gives the opportunity to live in a safe and healthy environment, in which there is an abundance...

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Implemented Projects


"Today, life here is literally rolling..."

Ladislav Židek, bioclimatic park in Rajecka Dolina

"The drought was our problem. It was because, thanks to the measures, it was possible to catch a lot of rainwater, which had flowed away without benefit until then. Vegetation in the area was restored, and new springs and small streams were created, which still exist. The main spring did not dry up even during the worst drought, and the vegetation is still growing happily."

Ľubica Zdravecká, Mayor of Tichý Potok village

"In our village, the Lačnovský stream regularly overflowed, which is almost empty when it doesn't rain. Thanks to simple water retention elements, water runoff from the fields was reduced, and other measures close to nature - stone and wooden dams, and wicker baskets mitigate the flood wave directly in the ditch. Simple and effective measures, proven by us over the years and still working."

Ján Šejirman, former mayor of Krivany

We have an opportunity to influence our future and we are doing something about it

We propose rainwater retention measures to replenish soil and groundwater supplies, nourish vegetation, maintain a balanced climate, and revive the small hydrologic cycle through evaporation.

Millions of cubic meters of global storm runoff that is drained into the oceans

Terawatt-hours of heat that water vapor can send to the cooler layers of the atmosphere

Learn to use the rain and save! Download our free e-book!

You will find out what measures can improve your budget, the environment around you and also have a positive impact on the global climate. You’ll also find specific instructions on how to set up a small rain garden.