About us

Our mission

Water Holistic was founded in 2020 by Michal Kravčík, his daughter Dana Kravčík, and two entrepreneurs from the IT sector.

The main goal is to use the full potential of rainwater and water bodies to improve the landscape and the environment.

Based on needs, we introduce specific measures and determine their benefits.


 01 Goldman Prize – The most prestigious award in the field of environment. It is awarded for fundamental scientific research, technical discoveries or for the contribution to human society

02 EKOTOP film award

03 1. Sasawaka Environmental Prize

04 Award of the Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic

05 Innovative act of 2007

06 National Energy Globe Award Slovakia

07 Golden biatec


Who we are?

Michal Kravčík

Michal Kravčík


Hydrologist, environmentalist, and Goldman Prize winner who developed a methodology for calculating and quantifying the benefits of rainwater retention measures.
He worked at the Institute of Hydrology and the Institute of Landscape Ecology and Hydraulics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Co-founder of WaterHolistic, where he provides integrated landscape and water management. It also provides consulting and educational services on effective strategies for sustainable watersheds and landscape restoration.

Danka Kravčíková

Danka Kravčíková

Program director

Program director and mapping and landscape survey expert. Its key topic is the analysis of the rainwater runoff of the territory and the design of rain gardens. Her knowledge of project financing and budget forecasting makes her a key member of the successful implementation of IVM projects.

Dušan Trávniček

Dušan Trávniček

IT specialist

IT specialist with more than 15 years of experience in programming and project management.

Zuzana Mulkerin

Zuzana Mulkerin


Versatile project manager with experience in cooperation with famous names such as Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Jacobs Suchard or Pepsi-Cola. It operates simultaneously in Slovakia and New Jersey. She gives us her many years of experience with the aim of taking projects to a higher level.


Videos about rainwater, the new water paradigm and projects

Films that were inspired by
the new water paradigm or mention the co-founder of Water Holistic Michal Kravčík

Partnerships and collaborating organizations

Our methods and know-how are used in projects on 4 continents, we cooperate with organizations and partners in Australia, South Korea, the USA, Great Britain, Poland, India and many others.


"Today, life here is literally rolling..."

Ladislav Židek, bioclimatic park in Rajecka Dolina

"The drought was our problem. It was because, thanks to the measures, it was possible to catch a lot of rainwater, which had flowed away without benefit until then. Vegetation in the area was restored, and new springs and small streams were created, which still exist. The main spring did not dry up even during the worst drought, and the vegetation is still growing happily."

Mayor of Tichý potok village

"In our village, the Lačnovský stream regularly overflowed, which is almost empty when it doesn't rain. Thanks to simple water retention elements, water runoff from the fields was reduced, and other measures close to nature - stone and wooden dams, and wicker baskets mitigate the flood wave directly in the ditch. Simple and effective measures, proven by us over the years and still working."

Mayor of Krivany village


Michal Kravčík and Danka Kravčíková are co-authors of many scientific articles and publications.


1. THE SUBSTANTIAL ROLE OF WATER IN THE CLIMATE SYSTEM OF THE EARTH” (to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on 7 – 18 December 2009) by Jan Pokorny, Michal Kravcik, Juraj Kohutiar and Martin Kovac, https://www.nsfarming.com/Media/2009-Discussion_Paper_Copenhagen_04_08_09.pdf  

2. Water for an integrative climate paradigm, Juraj Kohutiar and Michal Kravcik Published Online:February 25, 2011pp 298-310 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJW.2010.038725  

3. Costs and benefits of landscape-based water retention measures as nature-based solutions to mitigating climate impacts in eastern Germany, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Land Degradation & Development, Sušnik, J., Masia, S., Kravčík, M., Pokorný, J., & Hesslerová, P. (2022). 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4373 

4. Kravčík, M., Gabriš, P., & Kravčíková, D. (2021). Projects implemented and lessons learnt from the new water paradigm. In W. Leal Filho, J. M. Leutz, & D. Ayal (Eds.), Handbook of climate change management Springer, https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-57281-5_132  

5. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BIODIVERSITY AND GLOBAL WARMING –  Michal Kravcik, Jaroslav Tesliar, Jan Hronsky, Robert Zvara, Montreal 2001, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohammed-Hossain-2/publication/276605051_Exotic_Plants_and_their_Usage_by_Local_Communities_in_the_Sitakunda_Botanical_Garden_and_Eco-Park_Chittagong_Bangladesh/links/57daa4c008ae4e6f18437497/Exotic-Plants-and-their-Usage-by-Local-Communities-in-the-Sitakunda-Botanical-Garden-and-Eco-Park-Chittagong-Bangladesh.pdf#page=45


1. Between floods and droughts – a manual for integrated flood-prevention [in Slovak] ; Michal Kravčík, Juraj Kohutiar, Martin Kováč, et al.; Poprad: 2008. ISBN: 978-80-970051-8-4; Pages: 101. Info: http://www.ludiaavoda.sk/?page_id=16

2.  Water for the recovery of the climate – a new water paradigm; [in Slovak, English, Korean, Polish, Persian, Italian, Arabic and France in press] Michal Kravčík, Jan Pokorný, Juraj Kohutiar, Martin Kováč, Eugen Tóth; Košice: 2007 (Slovak edition) and 2008 (English Edition: ISBN: 978-80-89089-71-0); Available for download also from: http://www.vodnaparadigma.sk/indexsk.php?web=./home/homesk.html 

3. Water for the third milleniumdon’t hurt water so that it does not hurt you [in Slovak]; Michal Kravčík et al.; Košice: 2000; ISBN: 80-968031-3-1; pages: 160.  

4. Green without Blue is only Yellow, [in Slovak] ; Michal Kravčík, Peter Pačaj, Košice, 2006, Pages 47, ISBN 80969546-2-8  

5. Water without borders – Water for the climatic stabilisation of the regions [in Slovak and Ukrajinian]; Michal Kravčík, Juraj Kohutiar, Martin Kováč, Pavol Varga, Michal Pjecha, Ján Hronský, Peter Straka, Monika Oravcová, Dana Kravčíková, Košice: 2010. ISBN: 978-80-89089-96-3, Pages: 231.  

6. After us the Desert and Deluge? [in Slovak, English, Korean]: Michal Kravčík, Juraj Kohutiar, Martin Kováč, Pavol Šuty, Miroslav Hríb, Dana Kravčíková, Košice 2012, IBSN: 978-80-970278-3-2, Pages 231 

7. Water for climate recovery in the Ondavka river basin [in Slovak]: Danka Kravčíková, Pavol Varga, Ján Hronský, Michal Gazovič, Michal Kravčík, Jaroslava Pajtinková, Miroslav Hríb, Pavol Šuty, Košice 2013, ISBN 978-80-970735-2-7,  Pages 142 

8. Restoring Water to Preserve Our Climate [in Slovak, English, France]: René DurandTristan False, Philip Franses, Daniel Hofnung,  Michal Kravčík,  Danka  Kravčíkova,  Jarka PajtinkováMinni Jain,  Jean-Claude Oliva,  Anne Phillips,  Rafaela ScheifferEmmanuelle Trouslard, Košice 2019, Pages 54 

9. Využívanie environmentálneho monitoringu v strategickom plánovaní miest a obcí [in Slovak], Cziroková, N., Kravčíková D., Kravčík, M., Paal, Zaujec, V., Bratislava, 2021, ISBN 9788057028826, Pages 95 

10. Manual: “Let’s renew our forest / farmland / land [in Slovak]: Danka Kravčíková, Michal Kravčík, Martin Maršalko, Peter Bujňák, Lucia Macíková Košice 2019, ISBN 978-80-973572-0-7, Pages 54 

11. Return of lost water [in Slovak]: Danka Kravčíková, Michal Gazovič, Michal Kravčík, Miroslav Hríb, Pavol Šuty, Mariana Dachová, Prešov 2020, ISBN 978-80-973572-0-7, Pages 173 

Learn to use the rain and save! Download our free e-book!

You will find out what measures can improve your budget, the environment around you and also have a positive impact on the global climate. You’ll also find specific instructions on how to set up a small rain garden.