Apr 16, 2023
The Slovak Landscape Revitalization and Integrated River Basin Management Program was adopted by the Slovak Government in 2010 Program’s primary focus was to increase the water retention capacity of the landscape to prevent droughts and mitigate floods. It...
Feb 21, 2023
We know where problems begins Flood prevention measures are often focused on dealing with consequences and not approaching reason of the problem. To protect people and property against flood we have to identify where root cause of the flood begins. People tend to...
Jun 20, 2022
CAN WE STOP THE STARVATION OF BIBLICAL DIMENSION ON MADAGASCAR? World Food Program chief David Beasley addressed a humanitarian meeting in Brindisi, Italy, on June 30, warning that Madagascar was facing an “unprecedented starvation of biblical proportions”...
Jun 11, 2022
South Korea at the invitation of the Korea Green Foundation This blog will be writen as report on the visit to South Korea at the invitation of the Korea Green Foundation on 2-9. April 2021 Authors of the report: Michal Kravčík (co-founder of WaterHolistic), Mooyoung...
Apr 29, 2022
Wildfires in Greece Waterholistic founders as part of slovak republic expert group We offered help When we saw massive wildfires we offered help. We contacted Slovak government to establish expert group which will be sharing experiences from massive wildfires...